things I'd like to learn

  • To dance
  • The double base
  • Advanced photography
  • Design digital graphics
  • To sew
  • Architectural industry product design and material information
  • Another language
  • Silversmithing

Monday, January 11, 2010

Medicinal Beauty

I spent all day photo editing after I decided to spend the day cleaning, and went on to practice a bit of bridge and then I decided there was no more procrastinating left to do so sat here and followed my thought processes for a bit.

I had a thought, and a shock, and an idea maybe.

I have wondered if I have difficulty producing ceratonine as I am a person of extremes and addicted to things that produce happy hormones just to feel normal. I reflected on my happy afterglow, the effect of producing beautiful resulting photos with my measly photoshopping tools and made the connection that every time I produce something beautiful and satisfying I feel proud, content and fulfilled. As if the act of creation is my calling and the greatest gift - to myself. Therefore, I think, it produces ceratonine without having to eat chocolate or watch comedies! no wonder it's fulfilling :).

This took me on to wonder if I am creative because of its effect!!? Medicinal Beauty and beauty for the sake of a happy existence...

Sounds a bit unnecessarily deep :), but it does explain why every time I have a deadline/housework/pressure I turn to something creative to inspire/motivate/procrastinate/make me happy.

Now if only I can turn my art to profit and hire a housekeeper!! ;D

images from Canada:
  1. jellyfish at the Vancouver Aquarium
  2. branches and roofline at Butchart Gardens
  3. Blythe reading at my brother's place


  1. yes sweetheart - you do create beauty. You do have a gift for it too - like your brother.

    I didn't see beauty there until you showed it to me.


  2. Gorgeous.

    And how did you get inside my head?

  3. Serotonin has more to do with moods and sleep. Dopamine is the neurochemical associated with pleasure and addictions. And, yes, it is released during pretty much anything you enjoy, including shopping and painting. Tyrosine is a precursor to dopamine and has been used successfully to treat dopamine deficiency and addictions. :)

  4. I googled ceratonine to make sure I had my facts straight which didn't help me much, maybe if I'd googled serotonin...
    Thank you, thats very interesting.
    Thanks Whirly, I can't use your real name on here can I?
    Thanks Mum, btw, you're not allowed to post compliments, its s-mothering.
