things I'd like to learn

  • To dance
  • The double base
  • Advanced photography
  • Design digital graphics
  • To sew
  • Architectural industry product design and material information
  • Another language
  • Silversmithing

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Fyebear, a beginning

So, this is a test; a blog test, a test of testiness.

Why blog? Because I'm bored, and lonely and I'd like to open the doors to potential this year! My Potential! Start some sort of employment, achieve some goals, improve my person, make friends... :).

Why Fyebear? Well, the humble beginnings of fye could be a long rambling story, as is my want, but for my Very First Post I will spare you ;). Basically it comes from WoW (world of warcraft) which I started playing with my husband (as I do to spend time with him), 4 years ago and being the naive fledgling newbie I wanted a strong name - Fire - that was coyly representative of me - red hair and temper - so Fyer was born (or rather a human paladin was created :P). This was affectionately shortened to Fye by my ingame friends and when I left WoW and explored other games I needed a name. Thus I took Fye with me, it wasn't as embarrassingly teen as a misspelt fire and it reminded me of my friends with fondness.
Bear on the other hand has been around since I was named from birth! or almost.. My name is Amanda Clare and so my brother thought he could tag me Panda Bear, which is adorable and sweet right up unto, oh I don't know, 20 years ago! My husband was my brothers best friend and since he set up all my initial internet forays the bear has stuck! I have so many variations of bear they clutter the pixilated corners.
Did I say I'd keep it short? :P

So, fyebear.. why not, its not exactly descriptive but apparently its me :).

When to blog? Good question! Whenever the mood arises would be my guess. I have two personalities, one is organised, likes lists, is punctiliously punctuated and fastidious; the other is careless, happy go lucky, impulsive and creative.. they don't really get along, in fact they really annoy each other. So to combat this I plan, make lists, organise and then I disregard them all and hope for the best! lol

What to blog!!! Yeah... this is a big one, really. When I set out to Canada in mid November 2009 I took a journal and wrote the first half of my trip, diligently jotted down my every meal and variations of the theme "its raining again, we're cold and soggy and lost, but determinedly walking around and looking at things!", bought a book 'Blogging for Bliss' and dreamt up the Canada blog I would do! Naturally, as is already explained due to my personality, it hasn't happened. Why? Well actually, the photos didn't come out and I bored myself with my own journal :D. But my first paragraph on why to blog still stands. I've done enough thinking and I'd like to give it a go; in fact I'm thinking and hoping it will turn out to be my life line somewhat this year as I attempt to 'have a go' at making an arty business.

The wrap. I'm guessing this is the sort of page that starts with 'dear diary' and embarrasses you when you read it 10 years later if in fact you do read it again ;), but we have to have a beginning somewhere, and where better to spew my random head fluff then here to countless strangers lol.
Thank you for reading (mum lol!); my goal this week is to clean up my study in preparation for some amazing craft/art work to produce to show you :) - and survive the school holidays!

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