Hi friends :), well I've been reading a few blogs and I was inspired by Whirliegig to join 365 Project and by her and other bloggers to start taking photos of my daily life.. things about the house, things that you wouldn't think of taking a photo of unless you were actively thinking about it. In fact even though I've started to frame everything I see in my mind's virtual camera lens I still miss things. I wish I could have caught Devlin coming home for the third day in a row with mud all over his school uniform (before sticking it in the wash)!
Well, I've been having fun and I thought I'd like to share a bit of my daily life with you. Life seems pretty mundane really, until you see beauty everywhere where before you saw just daily stuff.

So I had a really productive day yesterday, which happens every few weeks; I wonder if it had anything to do with my computer dying in the morning ;). It all started when I opened a youtube video (I love Sarah Jane), its an AU cheapy zombie flick well done (I have a zombie fetish) and mozilla crashed on me. There on in mozilla was not happy and it soon created a crashing chain reaction and I was visited upon by the blue screen of death and automatic reboots. Suffice to say I laid the poor beast to rest until hubby could get home and look at it and then free of distraction I had a whole house to keep my attention! Funny how when I REALLY REALLY need to do some (lots) of work my computer kindly takes itself out of the picture :D.

We'd had rain for a week (I don't have a drier) and my boy had decided to decorate his uniform everyday (he only has 2 and he needs them 5days a week); I managed to get through about 10 loads of built up washing!! or 2 washing line fulls. I wandered around the house taking photos :), I pulled out the board games we'd gotten in the last few weeks from Christmas sales and in the process tidied the games cupboard. Tidied the upper floor; its amazing how all the accumulated bits and pieces that get dumped all over the place every day manage to take hours to put away.

Cleaned the kitchen, dining, living rooms, vacuumed, did my daily maths training and brain exercise on the ds then played some sudoku with lunch. Pulled out all my recipe books with the aim of making a meal schedule and wrote down kid lunch box ideas and a shopping list. Picked up the kids and put them to work, I mean, that's what they're for right? ;p Actually it was nice to have company while working and spend time together, and it led me to an awesome idea! Instead of nagging them to clean their rooms I stumbled across a great motivator: if they hadn't cleaned their rooms with a reasonable amount of time (say 10mins) I'd give them another job to do (so, Blythe got to sort my clean washing, and Dev got to dry dishes), they cleaned their rooms in record time :). Next idea is to not give them breakfast until they have uniforms, shoes on and hair brushed lol! (am I harsh? Mwhahahaha).

I decided I needed to take a break from what I was doing - washing down bedframes, tables, drawers, boxes, 'everything' to dust and de-mold our bedrooms - and catch up on general housework. I still have a long way to go, but 1 job at a time eh.. 1 job at a time. See our goal is to dust, de-mold, sand and paint, clear our storage area and get rid of all our junk and then sell the house! And then.. move.. somewhere :). I do like it here, but the house is old and requires more maintenance then our slackness can attain; and we're all allergic to dust and mold which this house seems prone to, and Phill wants to move to a more convenient location to shops and parks.

So big plans. I'll let you know how I progress :).
busy bear!