things I'd like to learn

  • To dance
  • The double base
  • Advanced photography
  • Design digital graphics
  • To sew
  • Architectural industry product design and material information
  • Another language
  • Silversmithing

Saturday, June 26, 2010

No Bars Hold

So, I was having a discussion with my man this morning, what was it even about..? Oh yeah, he'd bought a game to play for his work commutes and he'd finished it in one night. And how he pointed the finger at me for being extreme, well I thought that was about as extreme as it got as far as self-discipline went; you know.. no bars hold!You're probably thinking 'what?!'. Well I hadn't understood the original term so I knew it sounded something like that and I understood it as much as ever. My husband thought this was very funny, and proceeded to crack all sorts of jokes about chocolate bars and prison bars..

I got dressed, sorted clothes, played puppies with Dev, had a deep and meaningful with Blythe and Phill made a passing comment about breakfast bars and I remembered! no holds barred!!!

I laughed so hard the tears streamed. I laughed that I would say something I didn't understand, I laughed that I didn't turn a hair, I laughed that I didn't mind looking like an idiot, I laughed that I didn't understand the original term so I wouldn't realise I'd gotten it wrong anyway!! I laughed at what Phill must have thought, I laughed at how ridiculous the comment was and most of all I laughed that it took me an hour and a half to figure out :D.

Belly laughs are soooo good to start the day :). So remember No Bars Hold! If anyone asks, of course you know what you're talking about ;).

The weathers been rather cold (for here) but today we had a lovely spring day and nature thought it would prove it ;). These are currently brightening my garden.

Well, welcome back me? or about time!! or Who?! :P

Yeah... I've been through some gloomy moods since my last blog entry. I got half way through typing up my Gold Coast trip blog when I realised - I wasn't any good at writing.

You guys don't want to read a journal entry, boring! Either I keep it short and sweet or make an interesting story. So, I'm going to practice that, I'm not a writer but I don't want to give
up altogether, lets see what I can do after some training.

These big mummas are coastal golden orb-weavers. They showed up oo, this year only and now they're Everywhere! They make golden webs and they've nearly encased my balcony lol. I don't mind them, they keep the bugs down, I just don't want to run into one in the middle of the night in a mad rush to get my washing in :P. They can grow as big as your hand.

Personally, my hormones are out of whack, but I got some blood tests done; 'seeing' a doctor, attempting to eat better :P, so we'll see some progress.

I've learnt something interesting though, when I can't control my chemical responses reasonably or in other words my emotions are irrational! - after suffering ups and mostly downs for months I realised that 'hay yes, I might be sad today, but its just an emotion and I don't actually feel sad'. Make sense? I might be more sensitive, prone to disappointment and easily brought to tears and over worry but I realise that I'm blessed, I'm loved, I'm actually happy underneath and I suddenly know whatever I feel isn't true. To take everything I feel with a grain of salt and say I'm ok. And you know, it makes the WORLD of difference. The difference between coping and not. If I don't feel like doing anything, I still do and I feel good by the end of the day :). Instead of the opposite which I would if I took my moods as an excuse and indulged them (which is soo easy to do when you feel depressed).

My 'babies', these are the offspring of a net-casting spider, I think! There are stacks!! They've spread all around my comfy balcony chair, I might have to do something about all these spiders if I ever want my balcony back.

That'll do for a bit of deep self revelation ;).

We've had an interesting term, Blythe got a bad review in the beginning of the year so to bring the responsibility back to her I instituted a homework 'catch-up' schedule (for this term).

For an extra hour after school every day she'd do times tables, maths trainer, spelling, story writing, handwriting etc. I tried to make it varied and fun(ish) so school work wouldn't be seen
as punishment. I tell you what though I was sick of it! lol, it meant we had to cut back on our normal after school outings and I was spending my cooking/tidying time doing homework. And if we missed it, I'd feel guilty.

It did make me realise how little I knew about the world though and how I'd like to expand my kids education myself (and to pull out my finger!).

Today we start our school holidays (for 3 weeks), yay :) and I've got a plan for the first time, not just lounging around!

Phill starts a new job in a week. It doubles his hours from 20 to 40 and triples his pay. He needs to commute 4 hours a day though, so he's going to see if he can stomach it. I hope so as he has a plan; down the track is a regional manager position which he can do here on the Coast. His new job is IT help desk for public schools; so a secure job and he can work from home half the time after a probationary period.

Blythe had an 8th birthday party, she themed it a pajama party. I'd bought 40 silver and gold helium balloons and Phill blew up about 50 white ones so the lounge room looked like it was floating in clouds ;). Every thing was silver and gold, I made two moon and star cakes and we played all sorts of games. The girls mostly liked Limbo and the boys (Dev and James) played with Dev's Thomas train tracks!

I've been having all sorts of interesting ideas: investments, careers, projects, business', all of which I have no training with or can't afford! But they're good ideas :). Naturally, being me,
I want to do all of them and don't feel thwarted. The perfect friend/partner for me would be a doer! Someone who could take all this intellectual creation and give it life. In a perfect world.. :). As a result, I may be studying next year with the aim of creating a fulfilling and economically viable path for myself :).

I've been reading unearth this lifes blog (I haven't been reading blogs since I stopped blogging!) and I'm very inspired and motivated to make a healthier lifestyle for my family.

I've never gardened.. ever, I usually kill green things :(, so my aim in being self sufficient in the vegy and fruit department might be somewhat of a challenge! :D

So far we'll wait to see where we're living (considering the big job change) and then I might need to learn a few things o.o !!

Look what I found prowling my garden!
And something tha'ts actually happy its raining non stop.

I wont be making any promises with my reblogging, but I'm hoping to maintain it again; daily, weekly, monthly? Ever is a good start ;).

So its very nice to 'see' all you fine folk again :D, see you round!