I got dressed, sorted clothes, played puppies with Dev, had a deep and meaningful with Blythe and Phill made a passing comment about breakfast bars and I remembered! no holds barred!!!
I laughed so hard the tears streamed. I laughed that I would say something I didn't understand, I laughed that I didn't turn a hair, I laughed that I didn't mind looking like an idiot, I laughed that I didn't understand the original term so I wouldn't realise I'd gotten it wrong anyway!! I laughed at what Phill must have thought, I laughed at how ridiculous the comment was and most of all I laughed that it took me an hour and a half to figure out :D.
Belly laughs are soooo good to start the day :). So remember No Bars Hold! If anyone asks, of course you know what you're talking about ;).

Well, welcome back me? or about time!! or Who?! :P
Yeah... I've been through some gloomy moods since my last blog entry. I got half way through typing up my Gold Coast trip blog when I realised - I wasn't any good at writing.
You guys don't want to read a journal entry, boring! Either I keep it short and sweet or make an interesting story. So, I'm going to practice that, I'm not a writer but I don't want to give
up altogether, lets see what I can do after some training.

Personally, my hormones are out of whack, but I got some blood tests done; 'seeing' a doctor, attempting to eat better :P, so we'll see some progress.
I've learnt something interesting though, when I can't control my chemical responses reasonably or in other words my emotions are irrational! - after suffering ups and mostly downs for months I realised that 'hay yes, I might be sad today, but its just an emotion and I don't actually feel sad'. Make sense? I might be more sensitive, prone to disappointment and easily brought to tears and over worry but I realise that I'm blessed, I'm loved, I'm actually happy underneath and I suddenly know whatever I feel isn't true. To take everything I feel with a grain of salt and say I'm ok. And you know, it makes the WORLD of difference. The difference between coping and not. If I don't feel like doing anything, I still do and I feel good by the end of the day :). Instead of the opposite which I would if I took my moods as an excuse and indulged them (which is soo easy to do when you feel depressed).

That'll do for a bit of deep self revelation ;).
We've had an interesting term, Blythe got a bad review in the beginning of the year so to bring the responsibility back to her I instituted a homework 'catch-up' schedule (for this term).
For an extra hour after school every day she'd do times tables, maths trainer, spelling, story writing, handwriting etc. I tried to make it varied and fun(ish) so school work wouldn't be seen
as punishment. I tell you what though I was sick of it! lol, it meant we had to cut back on our normal after school outings and I was spending my cooking/tidying time doing homework. And if we missed it, I'd feel guilty.
It did make me realise how little I knew about the world though and how I'd like to expand my kids education myself (and to pull out my finger!).
Today we start our school holidays (for 3 weeks), yay :) and I've got a plan for the first time, not just lounging around!
Phill starts a new job in a week. It doubles his hours from 20 to 40 and triples his pay. He needs to commute 4 hours a day though, so he's going to see if he can stomach it. I hope so as he has a plan; down the track is a regional manager position which he can do here on the Coast. His new job is IT help desk for public schools; so a secure job and he can work from home half the time after a probationary period.

I've been having all sorts of interesting ideas: investments, careers, projects, business', all of which I have no training with or can't afford! But they're good ideas :). Naturally, being me,
I want to do all of them and don't feel thwarted. The perfect friend/partner for me would be a doer! Someone who could take all this intellectual creation and give it life. In a perfect world.. :). As a result, I may be studying next year with the aim of creating a fulfilling and economically viable path for myself :).
I've been reading unearth this lifes blog (I haven't been reading blogs since I stopped blogging!) and I'm very inspired and motivated to make a healthier lifestyle for my family.
I've never gardened.. ever, I usually kill green things :(, so my aim in being self sufficient in the vegy and fruit department might be somewhat of a challenge! :D
So far we'll wait to see where we're living (considering the big job change) and then I might need to learn a few things o.o !!

And something tha'ts actually happy its raining non stop.
I wont be making any promises with my reblogging, but I'm hoping to maintain it again; daily, weekly, monthly? Ever is a good start ;).
So its very nice to 'see' all you fine folk again :D, see you round!